Saturday, October 18, 2008


1. undergo electrophillic substitutions.
2. How are the following conversions carried out:- (1) 2-propanol to 1-bromo propane (b) Toluene to benzyl chloride (c) ethyl bromide to ethyl amine, (d)n-propyl chloride to n-propyl amine, (e) Ethyl alcohol to chloroform (f) Chloroform to chloropicrin (g) Aniline to iodo benzene
3. What is Saytzeff’s rule? Explain with the help of a suitable example.
4. Arrange the following compounds according to the reactivity towards nucleophillic substitution reaction with reagents mentioned:-
5. (a) 4-nitro chloro benzene, 2,4-dinitro chloro benzene and 2,4,6-trinitro chloro benzene with CH3ONa (b) Chloro benzene, 4-chloro-1-methyl benzene, 4-nitro chloro benzene and 2,4,6-trinitro chloro benzene with caustic alkali (KOH)
6. What mass of propene (CH3-CH=CH2) is obtained from 34.0g of 1-iodopropane on treating with ethanolic KOH, if yield is 36%?
7. Explain the fact that in aryl alkyl ethers (i) the alkoxy group activates the benzene ring towards Explain the fact that in aryl alkyl ethers (i) the alkoxy group activates the benzene ring towards electrophillic substitution, and (ii) it directs the incoming susbtituents to ortho and para positions in benzene ring.
8. Explain why is nucleophillic substitution of p-nitrochlorobenzene easier than that of Chlorobenzene?
9. Write short notes with example & reaction on:
(a)Protonation of alcohol (b) Schotterm Baumann reaction (c) Transcription (d) Hoffmann Ammonolysis (e) Williamson Synthesis (f) Hoffmann Mustard oil reaction (g) Sandmayer reaction Reaction/ 3 example (h) Aldol condensation (i) Etard reaction (j) Denatured sprit
1. Why CHCl3 is kept in dark bottle & add 1% alcohol.
2. Why AgCl is soluble in CH3NH3?
3. Why HCOOH gives tollen test while CH3COOH doesn’t?
4. Why 30 alcohol does not turn K2Cr2O7 in green Cr2O3
5. Why 10 nitroalkane reacts with CH3MgBr & gives CH4?
6. Why Dargen method of RCl preparation is best?
7. Why CCl3COOH is more acidic than CH3COOH?
8. How to distinguish Between them/ explain with reaction:
(i) HCHO & CH3CHO (II) CH3CH2OH & CH3CHO (iii) CH3CH0 & C6H5CHO
(iv) HCOOH/CH3COOH (v) C2H5NO2 & C2H5ONO (vi) 10 20 30 AMINE (vii) 20 & 30 alcohol (viii) 3-Pentanone/ 2-Pentanone (ix) Nitrobenzene & Benzaldehyde (x) C6H5COCH3 & C6H5COC6H5
9. What happens when
(i) C6H5CHO reacts with KOH
(ii) Aniline with CHCl3 & alcoholic KOH

Br2 water(excess)

(iv)CH3COOH with Cl2 & presence of phosphorus

(v) CH3COCl reacts with (CH3)2Cd & then treated with conc. H2SO4
(vi) Nitrobenzene reacts with CH3Cl & AlCl3
(vii) Toluene reacts with excess Cl2 in the presence of aq. NaOH
(viii) CH3COOH reacts with Ca(OH)2 & heated
(ix) CH3CHO reacts HCN & NH3 then hydrolysis
(x) CHCl3 reacts with Ag powder.

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